It’s an extra layer of protection for you and your family.Inform you about this kind of activity and lets you decide what’s allowed in and what gets turned away so you can peacefully share your files with others. Not only does it help you set up safeguards for your children to prevent them from accessing inappropriate content and let you know exactly where they have been and who they’re talking to online, it comes equipped with our award-winning Mac antivirus and firewall software, VirusBarrier and NetBarrier, so malware, strangers, and suspicious programs won’t be able to sneak into your Mac undetected.

Our advanced Parental Controls for Mac provide an easy way for you to keep an eye on your kids without constantly looking over their shoulder you can customize different accounts for each child, schedule Internet time limits, and check their usage history at your convenience. Intego ContentBarrier Secure X9 packs a one-two punch of protection. You want your kids to explore and learn (the Internet is a great resource for that), but you want to set a few boundaries first. Have a family and are concerned about protecting your kids from some of the more unsavory things on the Internet? We don’t blame you. It’s the perfect combination of protection, security, and Mac optimizing utilities to keep your digital life clean, organized, and secure. So not only does it protect your Mac from the dangers of the Internet, it seeks out and removes duplicates and other unneeded files, frees up hard disk space to speed up the operating system, organizes the Dock and Desktop, and lets you create Smart Folders for quick access to frequently used files.

We like to make things easy for Mac users, and that’s why Mac Washing Machine Secure X9 includes a powerful Mac cleaner in addition to VirusBarrier and NetBarrier. And as you can imagine, manually freeing disk space can be a tedious task. In fact, there are many other files on your computer that you simply don’t need: caches no longer in use, language files for languages you don’t speak, and many more. Chances are, you have a lot of redundant files on your computer-not backups, but duplicates you don’t even know about (and certainly don’t need). Is your Mac running slow compared to when you first got it? Most hard drives will begin to show serious performance degradation as they fill up.