Using MATLAB's meshgrid command and array operators (Mathworks).

Calculating Complex Integrals (Mathworks).Fixed-Point Modeling in an Ultra Wideband (UWB) Wireless Communication System (Mathworks).Techniques for Debugging MATLAB M-files (Mathworks).Scripts - Matlab for CUED IIB project students, Easter term Matlab and 1B dynamics for CUED students. Input/Output - File Input and Formatted Output - Spreadsheets with Matlab.Will display the 'New Features' document. Use matlabdoc -a to list documentation files available in theĪlternative (PDF) format. There are some video tutorials you can play (see the Demos sections, especially "Desktop Tools and Development Environment"). (type help from the matlab prompt) and WWW-based documentation (see Typing ver inside Matlab lists the other toolboxes that we're WaveLab toolbox for investigating Wavelets. The Statistics Toolbox User's Guide includes a tutorial.Type mhelp intro within matlab for details. To the full Maple library of routines to factorise, integrate, solve etc, Toolboxes are libraries of extra routines. See also Introduction to Matlab (MIT OpenCourseWare), especially the Assignments Toolboxes Our 2nd year Introduction to Octave can be used for Matlab.Ī Matlab databook ( PDF version) is in preparation, aimed at 3rd and 4th years. Using MATLAB gives more details on maths, graphics, object-oriented programming etc. Using Matlab at CUED ( PDF version) lists the added local

Getting to know Matlab is less technical.ĭescription of facilities. Getting Started with Matlab ( PDF version) and The newest 2017a version is available by opening a terminal window and typing matlabR2017a Introductions Note: The default Matlab on the central linux system is version 2015a.

To start MATLAB on our central Linux system just type matlab in a terminal window or find the Matlab icon in the applications panel (use the button). Matrix computation, signal processing and graphics in an easy-to-useĮnvironment where problems and solutions are expressed just as they are Wa_cq_url: "/content/MATLAB integrates numerical analysis, Wa_audience: "emtaudience:business/btssbusinesstechnologysolutionspecialist/developer/softwaredeveloper", Wa_english_title: "Intel® Fortran Compiler", Wa_emtsubject: "emtsubject:itinformationtechnology/aiartificialintelligence,emtsubject:itinformationtechnology/cloudcomputing,emtsubject:itinformationtechnology/clientcomputing", Wa_curated: "curated:donotuseinexternalfilters/producthomepage", Wa_emtoperatingsystem: "emtoperatingsystem:linux,emtoperatingsystem:microsoftwindows", Wa_emttechnology: "emttechnology:inteltechnologies/oneapi", Wa_rsoftware: "rsoftware:componentsproducts/intelfortrancompiler,rsoftware:developmenttools/compilers", Wa_emtcontenttype: "emtcontenttype:softwareordriver/softwarerepository/softwareoverviews", Wa_emtprogramminglanguage: "emtprogramminglanguage:fortran",