Authenticator LOGIN returned Expected response code 235 but got code '535', with message '535 5.7.0 Mailgun is not loving your login or password '.

Swift_TransportException thrown with message 'Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with username '' using 2 possible authenticators. Authenticator PLAIN returned Expected response code 235 but got code '535', with message '535 5.7.0 Mailgun is not loving your login or password '. Authenticator PLAIN returned Expected response code 235 but got code '535', with message '535 5.7.0 Mailgun is not loving your login or password '.'Stacktrace:#65 Swift_TransportException in /var/Swift_Transport_EsmtpTransport:doHeloCommand in /var/Swift_Mailer:send in /var/IlluminateMailMailer:send in /var/IlluminateMailMailable:withLocale in /var/IlluminateMailMailer:sendMailable in /var/IlluminateMailPendingMail:send in /var/AppHelpersYoutubeDataHelper:fetchDataFromSearch in /var/call_user_func_array in /var/IlluminateRoutingControllerDispatcher:dispatch in /var/IlluminateRoutingRoute:run in /var/IlluminateRoutingPipeline:IlluminateRouting in /var/Authenticator LOGIN returned Expected response code 235 but got code '535', with message '535 5.7.0 Mailgun is not loving your login or password '.

Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with username '' using 2 possible authenticators.